
The association's vision is a world where there is free and permanent access to high-quality medical information for professionals and students provided at no cost and with no language barriers or geographical boundaries.


The association has a variety of different missions. 
  • To provide the Cardiac Anaesthesia Textbook 5 (CAT 5) online as multilingual website, compatible with any digital medium, formalising evidence based knowledge in cardiac anaesthesia.
  • To develop a network of experts in anaesthesia and cardiac surgery to update, in accordance with latest developments, knowledge of the CAT.
  • To translate into English, in the first instance, the website that has been in existence in French since 2011, recently renewed (
  • To promote the publication of the translated website.
  • To ensure the long-term financial viability of the association.
  • To provide as long term goal readers with learning tools to validate their knowledge developed on the website.
  • To establish a model that can inspire other specialist medical fields.


To pursue its objectives, the AEAC is built on the following values:

Evidence based knowledge sharing

Free content on the website

Science as a basis

Openness to the world

The confidentiality of personal data attributed to the site

Independence from any
commercial influence


The AEAC and the CAT 5 Project are supported by :
Département d'Anesthésie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois Lausanne
Département d'Anesthésie Universitäts Spital Zürich
College of Nursing Medical University South Carolina USA
Faculté de Biologie et de Médecine de l’Université de Lausanne
European Society of Anesthesiology
World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiology
Fédération Pan-Arabe d'Anesthésie Réanimation
Société Suisse d'Anesthésiologie et de Médecine Périopératoire
European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology


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IBAN CH9200767000T53973883

"The AEAC committee thanks you for contributing to its development, it's sole aim being to provide free access to evidence based medical knowledge."