Association pour un enseignement en anesthésie cardiaque

The goal of the AEAC is to bring together anaesthesia professionals around the world, the committee that coordinates the association consists mainly of university professors.


The AEAC takes responsibility for the dissemination of knowledge in cardiac anaesthesia aimed at professionals and students, via the bilingual "Cardiac Anesthesia Textbook" CAT 5 website that is online since October 2019, constituting one aspect of the CAT 5 Project.


Since January 2011, the french-speaking sites CAT 4 and CAT 5, constantly gained in traffic. In order to extend beyond the french-speaking world, time has come for a major shift, an english version.

The change of scale linked to an english publication of the website, requires the coordination of technical and financial resources; this is the role of the AEAC.

To make the CAT 5 project sustainable, the AEAC is calling on foundations, institutions and users of CAT 5 to contribute to its funding. The AEAC relies on the support of universities, such as the Faculty of Medicine and Biology in Lausanne (CH) and the College of Nursing at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston (USA).

The AEAC is governed by the Swiss civil code for non-profit associations, as evidenced by its statutes.


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"The AEAC committee thanks you for contributing to its development, it's sole aim being to provide free access to evidence based medical knowledge."